MaastrichtMBA | Maastricht MBA | UMIO | Online MBA | Executive Education | Executive MBA | Parttime | MBA Opleiding


Building a large pool of lasting connections and valuable business relations with like-minded people from all over the world. It is one of the unique experiences of the Online track has in store for you. Our student population is diverse in many ways. With 90 professionals representing 33 different nationalities and 73 organisations across the globe, our network of talented professionals is really one of a kind!

Meeting twice as many students

This executive Online MBA track has an active student body of 62 students with another 28 students passionately working on their Business Consulting Project. Because of the carousel approach of this track, students enter and exit the programme each online course. This means you will actively meet twice as many students as in any other programme format.

maastricht meet europe
MaastrichtMBA | Maastricht MBA | UMIO | Online MBA | Executive Education | Executive MBA | Parttime | MBA Opleiding

The executive level

With an average age of 39,8, our students are significantly more experienced than those in an average executive MBA programme. We value age diversity; our youngest student is 26 and our oldest is 57. Although we require at least five years of work experience, our students have an average of 14,2 years of experience.

The world at your feet

Maastricht University is proud to be the most international university of the Netherlands. The MaastrichtMBA programme underlines this global reputation with its two tracks. If you join our diverse student body your MBA journey will be a multinational and multicultural learning experience. The Online MBA students represent 33 different nationalities and more than 75% of our active students come from outside the Netherlands.

mba university

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