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Strategic Management

Strategic management is at the heart of management science. Strategic management takes a long-term and broad firm perspective, and in the broadest sense, strategic management deals with three questions:


(1) For what does the firm stand?
(2) In which environment does a firm operate?
(3) How can a specific firm achieve a competitive advantage in the field(s) it operate in?


Learn how firms develop strategies and how these strategies are implemented. A prudent strategic decision maker should be aware of the various approaches since a comparison and combination of the different perspectives may yield creative and innovative solutions. Mastering strategy will give you the tools to ensure your organisations sustainable competitive advantage.


  • Evaluation of the firm’s environment
  • Evaluation of firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  • Competitive Strategies
  • Cooperative Strategies
  • Integration and Diversification
  • Mergers and Acquisition
  • Global Strategies
  • Effect of the global business environment on the firm’s strategy


.Study load: 68 hours (6 weeks)
. ..Contact time: 16 hours
.. .Credits: 3 ECTS
Instructor: Boris Blumberg – Senior Lecturer of Strategic Management

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