Natalie Krieger

Here at the MaastrichtMBA, we love our alumni and enjoy staying in touch! We recently caught up with class of 2018 alumna Natalie Krieger en haalde herinneringen op aan haar ervaring bij MaastrichtMBA en haar huidige leven. Lees verder om te zien wat ze doet met al dat potentieel!


Waarom heb je voor een MBA gekozen?

I already have a Master degree in Political Science but wanted to expand my knowledge in the field of business development and economic consulting. My last full-time study experience is already a while back, so I really felt it was time to learn something new and to open my mind to new ideas.

Waarom heb je gekozen voor een executive MBA aan de MaastrichtMBA?

I liked the good module structure of the MaastrichtMBA – one needs to be on-campus four weeks per year and not every other week as in many other MBA programs. The School of Business and Economics of the Maastricht University has a good reputation and offers exciting, hands-on modules on Entrepreneurship and Business Development that I was really interested in. Last but not least, Maastricht is a beautiful student town with a great campus life and it’s very close to my home town Cologne!

Hoe heb je geprofiteerd van je MBA-diploma?

I was extremely happy to relieve the student spirit and the sense of community during the on-campus weeks. I gained a lot of knowledge in a new field and was also able to look at my previous work experience from a different angle. Of course, it goes without saying that the MBA programme gives you a great chance to expand your professional network and to find new, like-minded friends.

Welk advies heb je voor iedereen die een Executive MBA bij MaastrichtMBA overweegt?

Think how you can make the most of the programmes modules. Why would you want to learn this particular content? How could this knowledge bring you further in your professional and private life?

Waar moeten sollicitanten op letten als ze besluiten een MBA te doen?

The preparation for modules and the after-module “homework” with assignments and case studies can be time consuming, so make sure that you actually have time to study.

Wat hebben werkgevers aan werknemers met een MBA-diploma?

An MBA degree is perfect for professionals who want to gain more in-depth knowledge on business administration but would also like to learn how to become a better employer, team member, and leader. We did not only learn how to estimate a company’s development and create a new product or business idea, but also received a huge number of tools to improve our conflict solving, team player, and leadership skills.

Wat springt eruit in je MaastrichtMBA-ervaring?

I found it very interesting to see that one can forget how to learn: it was not easy for me to again put on a student cap and find discipline to write home assignments or my MBA thesis. Similarly, I had to learn new skills to become a better team player during group assignments. The good part of this experience is that all MBA students are very motivated to make the most of their learning and support each other along the way.

Wat was het leukste onderdeel van het MaastrichtMBA programma?

I really enjoyed the most components of the MaastrichtMBA programme. To name a few, I loved creating new business ideas during the Entrepreneurship module. Our secluded Leading Strategic Change week in Orshof brought many new insights, and just as many bowls of wonderful soup.


At Shanghai School of Management, we had a unique, pre-Covid chance to be able to be a part of student life for a week and to get a glimpse at Chinese business development during the International week module. The sessions with a professional development coach during the Leadership Development Trajectory were always a highlight for me.


The most enjoyable experience still was probably the first day of a new module in Maastricht where all students and the team of MaastrichtMBA programme greeted each other again, full of joy and anticipation for an intense but extremely rewarding study week.

Natalie Krieger
Hairway GmbH