At MaastrichtMBA we are proud of all the people that are committed and eager to fulfill our mission in high-quality education, advice and research to individuals and organisations from all over the world. To become even more acquainted with MaastrichtMBA and to show you how it feels for them working for or at MaastrichtMBA, we introduce our MBA team to you. This time we put a spotlight on the Recruitment Officer of the Executive On-Campus MBA track Chantal van Wissem.
As your recruitment officer I have the best job ever because I get to talk to all of you Executive MBA candidates first! I am just a phone call away if you have any further inquiries on our programme or if you would like to join one of our events.
Fun stuff with the children, I like cooking and I like to crochet!
Fun stuff with the children, I like cooking and I like to crochet! Moreover, I really like to eat pizza from Liege! We have been going to that restaurant for 35 years now, a family restaurant! It’s a secret address so I don’t share the name of the restaurant. Sorry!
It’s a Dutch book: Slim maar…? Translated: Smart but…?
Fighter pilot! Action! Flying! When that wasn’t possible though, I wanted to become a teacher for children that are hard of hearing or deaf. That study was in Utrecht though and in that time, I didn’t want to go to Utrecht, don’t ask me why.
A bird! Or… to be even more specific… A hawk! Those are the fastest animals on earth and flying would give me the feeling of freedom! If other people would associate me with an animal. I think I would be a parrot, because I talk a lot? Wait, my oldest son once made a painting of our family as animals and I think I was a mouse in that painting.
After some thinking… Do souvenirs count as well? Then a souvenir from Mallorca: a handmade pottery dish on which you can put your ladle. We bought it at the local market in Porto Christo.
I don’t mind going places abroad, however I would buy a farm! With some animals, a kitchen garden, grow my own vegetables and I would open a B&B!
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