Organisaties in tijden van verandering


An important element in this course is the ability to cope with changing business contexts and craft sustainable strategies. The right employees and leaders can make performance possible in the face of current business challenges. One key element is striving for a diverse and inclusive environment, which establishes a sense of belonging among employees, making them feel more connected and productive.


This course emphasises the importance of sustainable practices and responsible leadership, in line with Sustainable Development Goals like SDG 5, Gender Equality, and SDGl 10, Reduced Inequality, creating a more equitable workplace. It also offers a deeper understanding of what makes individuals and groups ‘tick’ and specifically looks into ‘the human side of business’ and how people behave when confronted with change. Understanding these dynamics is essential for fostering sustainable development and achieving long-term business success while adhering to the principles of social responsibility and environmental stewardship.


  • Organisation design
  • Organisational behaviour
  • Sustainable strategy
  • Human side of business
