Dean Muruven

Here at MaastrichtMBA, we love our alumni and enjoy staying in touch. We recently spoke with alumnus Dean Muruven; we recalled his time at MaastrichtMBA’s On-Campus MBA and discussed his current life.


Waarom heb je voor een MBA gekozen?

At the time of commencing my MBA journey I had recently taken on a new global role at WWF with additional management responsibility. I thought pursuing an MBA would help me be more effective in the role and also give me additional insight into the latest trends and theories in management.

Waarom heb je gekozen voor een executive MBA aan de MaastrichtMBA?

For me the defining factor was how MaastrichtMBA created a family environment. From the first call with Chantal and to working with Pia and Boris through the program, the team always gave the impression that they have your best interest at heart and you are more than just a student in a program.

Hoe heb je geprofiteerd van je MBA-diploma?

The benefit of doing an MBA while working meant that I could test approaches and techniques acquired during the program and immediately put them into practice back at work. I also profited from being able to have access to some of the leading academics to call on for advice and get their feedback. That certainly made me more effective at my job. The program also helped me explore my academic curiosity and push my boundaries, in fact my Business Consulting Project had nothing to do with my actual field of expertise!

Welk advies heb je voor iedereen die een Executive MBA bij MaastrichtMBA overweegt?

It’s definitely worth it, particularly for the Leadership Development Trajectory. The emphasis that the program places on your personal and professional development is somewhat unique and leaves you with techniques to make your professional and personal life easier. So whether you are at a stage of your career where you are looking to improve professionally, or trying to find the balance in your professional and personal life or just looking to continue your academic journey, it’s worth giving the MBA office a call.

Waar moeten sollicitanten op letten als ze besluiten een MBA te doen?

It’s worth starting with your purpose for embarking on the MBA journey and then approaching the program with an open mind, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you learn about and from yourself. I found myself challenged consistently throughout the program but from an academic and personal development perspective, that for me are the hallmarks of a good learning experience. So if you want a challenge then certainly look into the MBA.

Wat hebben werkgevers aan werknemers met een MBA-diploma?

Maastricht teaching style encourages dialogue and critical thinking. This coupled with being on a program that aims to develop more well rounded professionals meant that having an MBA from Maastricht equips graduates with the crucial skills needed in today’s working environment. Having employees with these skills is something that every employer can benefit from.

Wat springt eruit in je MaastrichtMBA-ervaring?

The Leading Strategic Change module and being fortunate enough to work with Peter Berends as a coach, it fundamentally shifted my MBA experience and contributed a great deal to me being more effective in both my personal and professional settings. So often we do not take the time to create the headspace to look at our inner strengths and weaknesses, which ultimately shape who we are and how we function in the professional environment, so being given the opportunity through the MBA to focus on this was a stand out experience.

Wat was het leukste onderdeel van het MaastrichtMBA programma?

The bond I’ve established with a great group of people really made for a fun experience. Having fun while learning with a group of friends also brought out some creativity, so much so that we’ve stayed in touch to develop a business idea together!
Dean Muruven
Associate Director
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)