Sjoerd Zuidema

Here at the MaastrichtMBA, we love our alumni and enjoy staying in touch! We recently caught up with one of our first graduates Sjoerd Zuidema and his rise to Director Regional Polypropylene Europe at SABIC.


Waarom heb je voor een MBA gekozen?

I signed up for the MBA programme to first and foremost develop a broader orientation on the various dynamics in business life. Next to this objective I also believed that an MBA would provide me with leverage to pursue additional professional opportunities and career growth in general. I also very much enjoyed building a network of capable and enthusiast co-students that contributed to an inspiring 2,5 year journey.

Hoe heb je geprofiteerd van je MBA-diploma?

The most challenging moment was above all the ultimate climax of the final business consulting project. Selecting a central topic and problem statement followed by a very intensive period of building a research structure, performing the actual research and summarizing this all into a final thesis document – was extremely exciting and rewarding. This also provided great exposure towards my employer to show such an investment is beneficial to both the employee and employer.

Wat was het leukste onderdeel van het MaastrichtMBA programma?

After graduating from the MaastrichtMBA in 2009 I have been offered many professional opportunities within the company I have been working for now more than 15 years. I truly believe that the MBA programme has been supportive to getting great career opportunities as it allowed me to grow towards new heights as well as to show my personal commitment to invest in myself and the company.
Sjoerd Zuidema
Directeur Inkoop & Supply Chain