

Change is a fundamental part of business, whether it be through changing market demands, changes in competition, changing strategy or changes in personnel. Companies are facing intensive changes in order to remain competitive and sustainable, and their major asset for the changes to succeed is their people, their employees, at all levels of the organisation. However, employees can also become the major constraint because of their potential resistance to change.

Change Management refers to the coaching process of organisational changes at a human level. It is the art to accompany change projects by managing the fears that they might generate. Becoming a change agent becomes a key leadership skill for any executive.


This course will show you how to manage change in organisations by developing your ability to communicate, motivate and participate, as well as to mobilise and lead others.

Learn how to face these difficult situations, and develop your change skills and your emotional intelligence to become that agent of change your organisation needs.


  • Organisational Level
  • Steering Process
  • Corporate Culture
  • Consulting Skills
