
Customise your Executive MBA journey

In our MBA programme, electives provide students with a focus on one of our three compelling themes: Digital Business, Responsible Leadership, and Sustainable Innovation. By choosing your own electives, you can customise the MaastrichtMBA curriculum to build your own. This is a personal choice, which will perfectly tailor your MBA to your professional and personal learning objectives.


Each elective theme encompasses three on-site weeks with face-to-face classes from Monday to Friday, spread across 1,5 to 4 years. We offer a pool of electives weeks to choose from. Every academic year, we provide ample opportunities to follow elective weeks in the different themes. These electives take place in various months, at various locations: at our Tapijnkazerne campus in Maastricht or at one of our partner universities and business schools abroad.

Electives | MBA | Maastricht University

Digital Business

Electives | MBA | Maastricht University

Responsible Leadership

Electives | MBA | Maastricht University

Sustainable Innovation