Diana Stan

Here at MaastrichtMBA, we love our alumni and enjoy staying in touch. We recently spoke with alumna Diana Stan; we recalled her time at MaastrichtMBA’s On-Campus MBA and discussed her current life.

Fast Facts

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?

I have decided to join an MBA programme because I wanted to exit my comfort zone and to challenge myself further in my personal growth and in my career. I was interested in a programme that will allow me to be myself, to learn by doing and making errors while continuously growing.

Why did you decide to pursue an executive MBA at the MaastrichtMBA?

I have decided to go for MaastrichtMBA because they have offered me an additional course focused on leadership. The Leadership Development Trajectory was the perfect avenue to help me seek my true self and identify my leadership style. In addition, I really liked the MaastrichtMBA programme team and the modular approach which gave us full weeks long classes, experiences and quality time with our classmates from all around the world.

How have you benefitted from your MBA degree?

My biggest personal insight has been understanding myself better.

What should applicants consider when they decide to do an MBA?

Reasons why they want to follow and MBA and what they would like to learn from it.

How do employers benefit from employees with an MBA degree?

By having strong leaders in their teams who can drive sustainable change.

What stands out from your MaastrichtMBA experience?

Exploring and finding my authentic leadership style and fully embracing it. This has helped grow incredibly fast in only two years and has propelled further in life and in my career.
Diana Stan
Manager | Digital Customer
Deloitte Digital