Harm Mulder

Here at the MaastrichtMBA, we love our alumni and enjoy staying in touch! We recently caught up with alumni Harm Mulder and his “sparring partner”.

Fast Facts

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?

In my work as manager training at Leeuwenborgh (Regional Education Center), I found the business-aspect wanting. That is why I initially did a business administration trajectory at Hogeschool Zuyd. After that, I set my eyes on an MBA. Not only to further deepen my knowledge, but also to go beyond that and work on personal development. This follow up was made easier because I was entitled to certain exemptions in the MaastrichtMBA programme for items I had done already in the business administration course.

Why did you decide to pursue an executive MBA at the MaastrichtMBA?

The business administration course at Hogeschool Zuyd featured several professors from Maastricht University, which are also involved with the MaastrichtMBA. I was quite impressed by the approach and quality on offer, so in that sense it was an easy choice. Another important consideration was the modular approach of the MaastrichtMBA, which made it doable in combination with my job.

How have you benefitted from your MBA degree?

I am confident in my role as a sparring partner on a strategic level. Especially in new situations, I can bring a broader perspective to the table, be creative in searching for solutions and explore that “third option”. I have acquired a broader outlook, but also the mindset to explore issues more in depth when necessary. These are lasting changes, which also apply in my personal life.

What stands out from your MaastrichtMBA experience?

Overall, it was the cooperation among and with fellow students in the study group. In our buddy coaching group we were all evenly matched and really kept each other on our toes. Certainly no slacking allowed! There was a healthy competition with a lot of mutual support to keep each other on track. As a result, I was able to complete the programme in two years, from September 2014 to November 2016.
Harm Mulder
Project Coordinator Training
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