Ignacio Bonetto Beytia

Here at the MaastrichtMBA, we love our alumni and enjoy staying in touch! We recently caught up with class of 2021 alumnus Ignacio Bonetto Beytia and reminisced over his experience at MaastrichtMBA and his current life. Read more to see what she is doing with all of that potential!

Fast Facts

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?

I decided to pursue an MBA to enhance my business knowledge and skills and to advance my career. I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of business strategy, finance, marketing, and other key areas that would complement my technical background.

Why did you decide to pursue an executive MBA at the MaastrichtMBA?

I chose MaastrichtMBA because of its excellent reputation, international focus, and flexible, modular format. I believe that the small-scale teaching approach combined with the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method creates a unique learning environment for experienced professionals with different backgrounds. I also valued the programmes focus on personal and professional growth, which helped me to reflect on my career path and future goals.

How have you benefitted from your MBA degree?

I have gained valuable knowledge and skills that have helped me to be more effective in my current role and to take on new challenges. But above, I expanded my professional network and made valuable connections.

What advice do you have for anyone considering an Executive MBA at MaastrichtMBA?

My advice would be to consider your goals and motivations carefully and to make sure that the programme aligns with your career aspirations. It’s also important to be prepared for the time and effort required to complete the program. The On-Campus MBA allows you to engage and network with your peers. Try to clear your schedule from work so you can fully devote yourself to learning and interacting with your classmates.

What should applicants consider when they decide to do an MBA?

Applicants should think about their career goals, their learning style, and their personal and professional commitments. They should also research different MBA programmes to find the one that best fits their needs. Seek a mutually beneficial situation with your employer. On the one hand, you will expand your professional skills. On the other hand, you could also contribute to the analysis of real cases at your company by using these cases for module assignments or your final thesis.

How do employers benefit from employees with an MBA degree?

Employers benefit from employees with an MBA degree because they bring advanced business knowledge and skills, strategic thinking, and leadership abilities to the organisation. They are also able to take on more complex challenges and responsibilities. Furthermore, as mentioned previously, it’s not only the outcome of having an employee with an MBA degree, but also the process that delivers quick wins to employers.

What stands out from your MaastrichtMBA experience?

What stands out from my MaastrichtMBA experience is the high quality of the faculty, the diversity of the student body, and the emphasis on personal and professional development. The on-site module approach allows you to immerse yourself in learning while sharing experiences with peer students. You will not only enlarge your network but also make true friends.

What has been the most enjoyable part of the MaastrichtMBA programme?

The most enjoyable part of the MaastrichtMBA programme for me has been the chance to connect with such a diverse group of professionals. Sharing insights and learnings from their varied industry experiences has been incredibly enriching.


I absolutely loved the dinners with fellow students during our educational weeks—they created a relaxed, friendly atmosphere that made learning even more enjoyable. Maastricht itself is such a wonderful city, which added to the charm of these experiences.


The international week was also a standout. It wasn’t just about academic enrichment but also connecting with local organisations and communities, making it a uniquely rich and memorable experience. These opportunities to engage both locally and internationally have truly made my time in the programme exceptional.

Ignacio Bonetto Beytia
Manager Emerging Technologies