Rob Jansen

Here at MaastrichtMBA, we love our alumni and enjoy staying in touch. We recently spoke with alumnus Rob Jansen; we recalled his time at MaastrichtMBA’s On-Campus track and discussed his current life.

Fast Facts

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?

After pursuing technical certifications for many years, I wanted to learn more about leadership and doing business. An MBA program includes all of that and more, so I decided to go for it.

Why did you decide to pursue an executive MBA at the MaastrichtMBA?

Several MBA programs required to follow weekly classes, often on Friday and Saturday. Because that is hard to combine with work and family, it was not a good option for me. I also did not want to do a full online MBA program. The MaastrichtMBA programme provides the best of both worlds. It includes four in class weeks in one year, so that you can meet with fellow students, combined with self-study. What I also liked was the international character, the option to skip modules in case it would be necessary, the problem based learning approach, and the fact that Maastricht is a beautiful city not too far away from where I live.

How have you benefitted from your MBA degree?

I have profited in many ways. I have increased my business acumen and I have learned many things that I have been able to apply within my team to improve the way we work. I have also learned a lot about how to approach business challenges and come up with good solutions. Maybe the best of all is the personal development during the entire programme.

What advice do you have for anyone considering an Executive MBA at MaastrichtMBA?

If you are motivated and looking to learn and develop yourself, then I can certainly recommend to start this adventure. However, do not underestimate it. Make sure you can organise and balance your work, personal life and studies. Other than that, just have an open mind and enjoy. You will meet many great people and besides the serious part, there will be plenty of fun and new friendships!

What should applicants consider when they decide to do an MBA?

I am not sure it is a good idea to think too much. If you want to learn and you can organise your work and personal life around it then just go for it.

How do employers benefit from employees with an MBA degree?

An MBA degree provides a broad array of skills and knowledge. Besides the practical knowledge, I think that people with an MBA degree have learned how to think critical and look at things from different perspectives, allowing them to come up with new and creative ideas.

What stands out from your MaastrichtMBA experience?

I really liked the international environment and meeting all these fantastic fellow students from different countries and different backgrounds. Because of the carrousel approach, you get to meet many people during the entire journey. Every module some students finish and new students join. Looking back, also the personal development part stands out, with the Leadership Development Trajectory and Orshof Week as the highlights.

What has been the most enjoyable part of the MaastrichtMBA programme?

There have been so many enjoyable parts, but the best one was probably the international module in South Africa. We have learned about doing business in Africa, including an opportunity to help a local entrepreneur with their microbusiness. It has been a privilege to meet so many fantastic locals and to learn about the local culture. Being in the beautiful city of Cape Town with my fellow students also felt a bit like vacation.
Rob Jansen
Sales Engineer