Personal Leadership


Leadership is not restricted to a certain position. It is about co-creating an environment in which people are respected and optimally enabled to execute their tasks. An environment where connections are honest. Leadership asks for extensive self-awareness, the ability to reflect on one’s own behaviour, matching the stories that we tell, and courage (to be honest with yourself and with the people around you, to say and do what needs to be done in a respectful manner).


This elective week offers a deep reflection on (your own) leadership. As such you can expect a highly interactive week that focuses on:

  • Developing more self awareness
  • Developing a stronger view of how your values influence your acting
  • Designing small behavioural experiments for your own (leadership) practice in order to make your actions more effective in the work place.


  • Leadership Journey
  • Authentic Leadership
  • Create your own leadership development plan and roadmap
  • Power of Storytelling
  • Connect and build meaningful relations
