Anant Joshi

At MaastrichtMBA we are proud of all the people that are committed and eager to fulfill our mission in high-quality education, advice and research to individuals and organisations from all over the world. To become even more acquainted with MaastrichtMBA and to show you how it feels for them working for or at MaastrichtMBA, we introduce our MBA team to you. This time we put a spotlight on our Academic Director Anant Joshi. Anant guides our MBA students in the process of completing their Business Consulting Project (thesis trajectory).

What is your role in the MaastrichtMBA programme?

As an Academic director, I am responsible for working closely with the students on their Business Consulting Project, I take part in management team activities, and look after students’ needs to complete the programme successfully!

How long have you been working with us?

I have joined the MaastrichtMBA team as of June 1, 2022.

How do you like to spend your free time?

In my spare time, I really enjoy watching movies, playing cricket, or taking a walk.

What book do you have on your nightstand?

I prefer to read more than one book at a time. Currently, I am reading: The Big Nine by Amy Webb and Competing in the Age of AI by Karim Lakhani & Marco Iansiti.

What career did you dream of when you were a child?

As a child, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. And, I feel blessed that I was able to achieve that!

If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?

An elephant for sure! It is a majestic and strong creature!

What was the last gift you gave someone?

As his birthday gift, I gave my friend a mega pack of Bud-light beer, which is his most favorite beer on the planet!

What is your favorite place in the world?

Without a doubt, my hometown in India! 🙂
Anant Joshi
Academic Director