Bente Pieters

At MaastrichtMBA, we are proud of all the people that are committed and eager to fulfill our mission in high-quality education, advice and research to individuals and organisations from all over the world. To become even more acquainted with MaastrichtMBA and to show you how it feels for them working for or at MaastrichtMBA, we introduce our MBA team to you. This time, we put a spotlight on our Community & Communications Officer Bente Pieters.

What is your role in the MaastrichtMBA programme?

I work with Jeroen on MaastrichtMBA marketing activities, such as newsletters, social media, video productions, the website, brochures, etc. Teamwork makes the dream work!

How long have you been working with us?

I have been working at UMIO since April, 2023 and joined the MaastrichtMBA team in September, 2023.

Why do you love working for the MaastrichtMBA programme?

It’s such a cool experience to work for a programme that makes such a big impact on people’s lives. I think pursuing an MBA is pursuing a better life and helping create a better world, and it’s very rewarding to be able to contribute to that in a small way.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I like reading, running, watching a good series, documentary, or film, and hanging out with friends or family (especially on a sunny terrace). I also really enjoy writing, and I have a whole lot of short stories and paragraphs written that I hope to combine into a book one day. I love to travel to see the amazing nature this world has to offer, meet new people and get to know different cultures. Traveling always puts things into perspective and enriches you on so many levels. Cooking is also something I thoroughly enjoy, but not every day; some days, a greasy pizza on the sofa is all I want!

What book do you have on your nightstand?

I never read only one book at a time, so I usually have a big pile of books on my nightstand. I also don’t usually read translations of original English books, so it’s always a mix of Dutch and English. This is the current selection from bottom to top:
– ‘Mama’s laatste omhelzing’ by Frans de Waal
– ‘Dune’ by Frank Herbert
– ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ by Delia Owens
– ‘Blondjes beleggen beter’ by Janneke Willemse
– ‘The Essex Serpent’ by Sarah Perry
– ‘A Court of Wings and Ruin’ by Sarah J Maas

What career did you dream of when you were a child?

For some reason, I really wanted to be an archaeologist. I thought it was very cool to be able to make important discoveries and add to the history of our planet. As I grew older, I realised that the chances of discovering another Pompeii were slim, and I would probably be digging up seashells for the rest of my working life. I think that’s what made me re-evaluate that career path. If I got to choose again now, I would like to be a lawyer or become a writer (I know I could be in the future, and maybe one day I will – I still have the height of a child, so I can still dream about what I want to be when I grow into an adult size).

If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?

A dog on a beach. Definitely, a dog on a beach. I went to the beach a couple of weeks ago, and seeing all of these dogs running at full speed without any worries really made me want to join them. Digging holes, chasing other dogs, taking a plunge in the sea and then having a good old stretch in the sun – what a life!

What was the last gift you gave someone?

I gifted myself and my father a ticket for a Hans Zimmer concert in November. I really wanted to go see Hans Zimmer, but I didn’t feel like going to Antwerp alone, and I know my dad loves classical music. I figured it would be nice to see Hans together, so I surprised him with a ticket. He hadn’t heard of him before but now loves his music, too! We’re very excited to see him in concert later this year.

What is your favorite place in the world?

This is such a difficult question! I love to travel, and I’ve seen some amazing places, but I’ve experienced that my memories of places I love are usually heavily intertwined with memories of the people I saw these places with. So, I think I would say it’s where my loved ones are to make me feel at home. I guess that could be anywhere? As long as there are people I love around to spend my precious time on this planet with. However, if I had to name just one place, it would probably be Maastricht. People will have a hard time getting me out of Maastricht! I will forever love this city – it’s where I feel most at peace.

Bente Pieters
Community & Communications Officer