Jeroen Duijsinx

At MaastrichtMBA we are proud of all the people that are committed and eager to fulfill our mission in high-quality education, advice and research to individuals and organisations from all over the world. To become even more acquainted with MaastrichtMBA and to show you how it feels for them working for or at MaastrichtMBA, we introduce our MBA team to you. This time we put a spotlight on our Marketing Manager Jeroen Duijsinx.

What is your role in the MaastrichtMBA programme?

As the Executive MBA Marketing Manager, I am responsible for all marketing and communication activities of the programme. I want to get in contact with you and give you all the insights of our very beautiful MBA programme. A really cool job, where a lot of very beautiful challenges are lying ahead for the upcoming year!

How long have you been working with us?

This is my first job within the university. A new industry, but a very exciting one. To be able to contribute to a better-educated world is a very beautiful ambition. As part of UMIO – Maastricht University, we have a strong and well-respected brand.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I want to do many things in my spare time. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to do everything. One thing I really love to do is sports: running, cycling, walking and going to the gym. In the past, I ran the Rotterdam marathon and rode the Gran Fondo Paris-Roubaix, great stuff! As well as that, I really enjoy travelling, going out for diner with a good glass of wine and listening to all sorts of music. Preferably a combination of all three!

What book do you have on your nightstand?

I recently read the book ‘Swimming with Sharks’ (in Dutch ‘Dit kan toch niet waar zijn’) by Joris Luyendijk. This book gives insights into the spectacular world of bankers. A good reality check of our very fragile financial system.

What career did you dream of when you were a child?

There were two childhood career dreams for me: becoming a pilot and afterwards a doctor (specialising in oncology). However, sometimes dreams remain as dreams, and I eventually discovered the magical world of marketing.

If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?

I would really love to be an elephant. This endangered animal has a strong character with a very good memory. Therefore, I am convinced elephants are intelligent creatures who understand social structures. As well as that, to be the biggest living animal on land and having a trunk would be very cool!

What was the last gift you gave someone?

Besides every now and then giving flowers, I went to a Tourist LeMC concert with a friend as my treat. We had a great time with very good music from the Belgium musical talent.

What is your favorite place in the world?

There are many great places I have been to which would surely make it in my top 10 list. But, my last great experience was the country of lemons: the Amalfi coast in Sorrento. A fantastic place of wonderful food, picturesque places and fun people. The true Italian experience!

Jeroen Duijsinx
Executive MBA Marketing Manager