Jesca Rijpkema

At MaastrichtMBA we are proud of all the people that are committed and eager to fulfill our mission in high-quality education, advice and research to individuals and organisations from all over the world. To become even more acquainted with MaastrichtMBA and to show you how it feels for them working for or at MaastrichtMBA, we introduce our MBA team to you. This time we put a spotlight on our General Programme Coordinator Jesca Rijpkema.

What is your role in the MaastrichtMBA programme?

I am more than happy to introduce myself as the MBA General Programme Coordinator. This means that I take care of the general matters, including the Leading in Learning programme, Leadership Development Trajectory, Business Consulting Project, and of course the highlight of the year: the MaastrichtMBA Graduation Day.

How long have you been working with us?

I started working for MaastrichtMBA in February 2024. So, brand new, full of energy, and more than excited to learn, experience and work.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I love being creative. My passion is writing stories, I like to read books (preferably fantasy books) and I enjoy playing and practicing on my saxophone.

What book do you have on your nightstand?

The trilogy of the lord of the rings by J.R.R Tolkien. I will admit, it took me a couple of tries to finish all three books. His world creation and depth is truly incredible. As the father of fantasy, he has been a true inspiration for me.

What career did you dream of when you were a child?

This might not come as a surprise. As a child, I dreamt of being a writer. In primary school, I became inspired to write stories. My head was full of fantasy and I loved putting it on to paper; to create worlds and things that does not exists. Who knows, one day you find a book written by me.

If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?

Honestly, I would be a cat. Not only because I am a cat person. I find cats interesting little creatures. They have their own (strong) will, are intelligent (not that I find myself super smart but they are very calculated), come to you when they want attention and otherwise just like to lay down and relax!

What was the last gift you gave someone?

It has been a while since I bought presents. What I do, quite often lately and what I think are also gifts, is sending people cards. I enjoy making 3D cards and send them to people, at Christmas, birthdays or when they experience something difficult. With handwritten notes it becomes very personal.

What is your favorite place in the world?

Such a difficult question! I visited quite some places; each with amazing new people and with never forgetting experiences. At Lake Titicaca in Peru the scenery was very calming, the castle school in Canada for my exchange really felt like Hogwarts and the Gizah pyramids in Egypt were just beyond belief. A favorite place is hard to choose. What places makes beautiful is the experiences you have and the people you have met.
Jesca Rijpkema
General Programme Coordinator