Manager training: sustainability courses are booming – WELT article

Sustainability has become a business model. Not only for companies struggling for new markets, more reliable supply chains and a good reputation with their customers. Training centers for managers have also discovered the opportunities of change for themselves. There is hardly a business school in the world that does not offer modules on sustainability. But how do executives and prospective master’s students recognize which program is really worth something?


Participants who partly pay for their training and further education out of their own pockets hope for career opportunities. In day-to-day business, the topic of sustainability is no longer just a side issue for a few committed people. It is at the heart of business for many. In a survey of management consultants Horváth in June, more than half named ecological management and sustainable corporate management as “very important” strategic goals. 280 board members from companies with annual sales of at least 100 million euros were surveyed.


In every fifth company, sustainability already has a direct influence on the salary components of the management team. The large companies are pioneers here: the survey found that half of the companies with annual sales of at least EUR 10 billion have sustainability goals in the target agreements relevant to remuneration.


But where do managers learn what it takes to not only define ecological and social goals for their business, but also to implement them? Many training programs with a Master of Business Administration degree, or MBA for short, have included modules on the topic of “Sustainability” in their curricula in recent years. However, it is difficult to compare the offers.


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