New kid on the block

In March, Jeroen Duijsinx, started as the new Programme Manager at MaastrichtMBA. He is responsible for the marketing activities of the programme. Now a couple of months in the role, it is finally time to introduce our new kid on the block. Jeroen switched jobs as a marketing communications expert in the cycling industry to the educational field. A huge change of worlds, but Jeroen is very excited about making a difference in his new job.

How long have you been working with us?

This is my first job within the university. A new industry, but a very exciting one. To be able to contribute to a better-educated world is a very beautiful ambition. As part of UMIO – Maastricht University, we have a strong and well-respected brand.

What do you do in your spare time?

I want to do many things in my spare time. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to do everything. One thing I really love to do is sports: running, cycling, walking and going to the gym. In the past, I ran the Rotterdam marathon and rode the Gran Fondo Paris-Roubaix, great stuff! As well as that, I really enjoy travelling, going out for diner with a good glass of wine and listening to all sorts of music. Preferably a combination of all three!

Can you tell us a bit about your kids?

At the moment, we do not have any kids. However, if a young dog counts as a kid, we actually have a kid. This ‘tiny’ dog is now one year old and is a very lovely dog but a bit of a loose cannon….! We adopted him from Greece and we love going out walking with him!

What book is on your bedside table?

I recently read the book ‘Swimming with Sharks’ (in Dutch ‘Dit kan toch niet waar zijn’) by Joris Luyendijk. This book gives insights into the spectacular world of bankers. A good reality check of our very fragile financial system.

What career did you dream of when you were a child?

There were two childhood career dreams for me: becoming a pilot and afterwards a doctor (specialising in oncology). However, sometimes dreams remain as dreams, and I eventually discovered the magical world of marketing.

If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?

I would really love to be an elephant. This endangered animal has a strong character with a very good memory. Therefore, I am convinced elephants are intelligent creatures who understand social structures. As well as that, to be the biggest living animal on land and having a trunk would be very cool!

What was the last gift you gave someone?

Besides every now and then giving flowers, I went to a Tourist LeMC concert with a friend as my treat. We had a great time with very good music from the Belgium musical talent.

What is your favourite place in the world?

There are many great places I have been to which would surely make it in my top 10 list. But, my last great experience was the country of lemons: the Amalfi coast in Sorrento. A fantastic place of wonderful food, picturesque places and fun people. The real Italian experience!