Unforgettable Leadership Lessons at Corvinus University of Budapest

Academic exploration, cultural immersion and professional networking in a foreign environment… Time for another International Week! This year’s first International Week was hosted at Corvinus University of Budapest. Against the backdrop of Budapest’s fantastic scenery and sultry summer heat, our students focused on everything related to Responsible Leadership.


The International Week is a unique aspect of our Executive MBA programmes, providing students with an in-depth exploration of various themes while promoting camaraderie and teamwork. Integrated into MaastrichtMBA’s elective structure, this week offers an immersive experience abroad, concentrating on critical global issues and diverse cultural perspectives within one of our three elective themes: Responsible Leadership, Sustainable Innovation, and Digital Business.

A keen anticipation for new experiences and insights

This International Week’s focus was on Responsible Leadership, covering ethical practices, community-oriented leadership, and sustainable business strategies. Our students shine a light on their experiences at Corvinus University of Budapest.


Melania Fanari, Executive MBA student, had an amazing experience during the week. “Travelling internationally for the second time during my MBA was exhilarating,” she says. “I am always ready for the next adventure, with my luggage packed and a keen anticipation for new experiences and insights.” Fellow student Benjamin Sleiman agrees with Melania. “It almost feels like having a short vacation, especially because we headed to a sunny place. Travelling back and forth was very smooth.”



Exploring Responsible Leadership in Budapest

But, of course, our students came to learn – and so they did! Throughout the week, they explored various leadership approaches, focusing on the distinct challenges encountered in Central and Eastern Europe. A highlight and a standout activity for all students was the FLIGBY simulation, a practical exercise that allowed participants to evaluate and enhance their leadership abilities in a dynamic environment. Melania: “Such an innovative and practical approach to learning. The direct feedback on each person’s skills was very useful.” Diego Castañeda Zúñiga echoes Melania’s enthusiasm: “The FLIGBY simulation was a highlight. Such a fun and practical way to put in practice leadership styles.”


The theme of Responsible Leadership was underscored through visits to prominent local companies, highlighting the importance of ethical practices and community-oriented leadership in shaping sustainable and socially responsible business strategies. The international aspect was incredibly enriching, allowing students to interact directly with founders and CEOs and discuss leadership in a region with its own distinct business challenges. “I was struck by the warmth and hospitality of the Hungarian people,” Melania notes. “They made every interaction memorable!”


“It was great to complement the theme of Responsible Leadership with the principles of great leadership,” Diego adds. “In there, the group discussed different styles of leadership such as situational, transformational, servant and tribal, and how they appear in a given situation.”

Personal highlights: unforgettable moments and inspiring activities

Moreover, what were the students’ personal highlights? Benjamin: “We had the chance to explore empowerment and inclusivity in the workplace during meetings with top executives from mid-sized and large national and multinational companies in Hungary. The session that stood out to me most was the panel session with four executive women from multinational corporations in Hungary. They discussed how they are striving to establish transparency in their workplaces and ensure inclusivity. Very inspiring.”


“It’s difficult to name only one session that stands out,” Diego says. “The agenda was rich in learning points, and especially the external leaders invited to give a speech were particularly inspiring. The company visits were spot-on, and I was very impressed by the professionalism of the staff at Corvinus University. I believe the combination with UMIO was a very successful one. Additionally, Hungary is an amazing place, rich in culture with great people. And last but not least, to be sharing unforgettable moments with dear friends at the MBA again was amazing. This was my last residential week, so to me, it was special in many senses. I would rate this week a 9 out of 10.”


“The entire week was a highlight,” Melania says. “From the meticulously organised programme to the vibrant off-site and evening activities, including a boat dinner and wine tasting. The camaraderie within our MBA cohort added a special touch, making the whole experience unforgettable. I would rate this international week a perfect 10 out of 10! It wasn’t just educational but deeply inspiring, blending academic insights with real-world business acumen and cultural richness.”



This article presents a recap of the elective week on Perspectives on Responsible Leadership at Corvinus University, Budapest, Hongary. This elective module of our Responsible Leadership elective is part of the executive modular part-time MaastrichtMBA programme. The programme has a Triple Crown accreditation and is aimed for professionals with at least 5 years of working experience.