My first personal lesson learned is to take care of myself. Self-care is key in today’s fast changing world. If you take care of yourself, you can take better care of others. Self-care is also especially in today’s working world as the majority of us run behind a busy schedule. For some organizations self-care had even become a recruitment criteria. Second, I feel that the crisis pushed my personal empowerment. Another lesson is the importance of our soft skills like adaptability. “The only constant in life is change” as the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus said. Which leads me to my fourth lesson that is about more trust in my daily life. The crisis helped me to be more resilient in my daily life.
Regarding the chances in the near future for companies and their HR structures, I hope that the HR department will keep its strategic dimension that had been offered during the pandemic. Organisations will certainly revise and reorganise their HR structures but not only due to the pandemics. Also digitalisation, the impact of Artificial Intelligence, etc. will have an impact on the way we organise HR in the future.