Hannah Doff-Ottens

Our students are the core of the MaastrichtMBA programme. Students with a broad diversity on nationality, age and even professional background. The insights and thoughts of our MBA students describe the true experience of MaastrichtMBA. This time we talked with our Dutch student Hannah Doff-Ottens. She works as Team Lead Innovation at Ikbenfrits, a company that provides mortgage advice by offering of an online dashboard and personal advice. Hannah joined our On-Campus track in February 2021.

Fast Facts

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?

After working in South Africa and Africa for 8 years, I emigrated back to the Netherlands. When the dust settled, I was ready for a new challenge.

Why did you choose for MaastrichtMBA?

There were a number of reasons why I chose Maastricht over other MBA programmes. I like the approach of small classes and team assignments, learning about the theory and putting it into practice. Next to that, I am very excited that Design Thinking has been integrated into the modules. I have been practicing it for 20 years and am convinced of its benefits. The combination of Design Thinking and an MBA is quite unique and something I was specifically looking for.

Moreover, the way it is planned with four educational weeks per year and self-study in between also appealed to me. During these educational weeks you are completely zoned out from your work and when you go back to work you get new energy with many new ideas. And last but not least, Maastricht is a beautiful city, it’s great to have the modules there and explore the area.

What made you choose your specific MaastrichtMBA track?

I think everyone will have to take responsibility for the climate challenges we face. This elective will help shape my ideas about how companies can take responsibility.

Which skills do you want to refine during the programme?

Being a servant leader, bringing out the best in people by understanding their needs and abilities, and to help people develop and perform.

How do you think you will benefit from doing this MBA?

I think it will be helpful in so many ways. It will broaden my knowledge base, it will give me the opportunity to connect with people from different backgrounds, open my mind to different perspectives and creatively solve problems together.

What is the most enjoyable part of the MaastrichtMBA programme so far?

It’s hard to choose between my great teammates, the Maastricht Women Business Network with interesting talks and the classmates and the knowledgeable teachers. I think it’s a combination of all of the above!

What advice do you have for anyone considering an executive MBA at MaastrichtMBA?

Just go for it, don’t overthink. It’s an investment in yourself, a life changing event.

Hannah Doff-Ottens
Product design lead
Ecochain Technologies