Lucrezia Menna

Our students are the core of the MaastrichtMBA programme. Students with a broad diversity on nationality, age and even professional background. The insights and thoughts of our MBA students describe the true experience of MaastrichtMBA. This time we talked with our Italian student Lucrezia Menna. She works as Application Project Leader at FPT Industrial, a a brand of Iveco Group, dedicated to the design, production, and sale of powertrains and solutions for on- and off-road vehicles, as well as marine and power generation applications. Lucrezia joined our Online MBA track in September 2021.

Fast Facts

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?

I studied Automotive engineering and I work in a very technical field, so I felt I didn’t have the broad view needed to understand dynamics going on in the industry, especially during this difficult time. The world is changing incredibly fast and many companies are not able to keep up with the change.

I realised that an MBA would have given me the right means not only to appreciate the reasons behind managerial choices, but especially to give my contribution: a good technical knowledge on business administration, a more mature approach given by the Leadership Development Programme and the open mind developed during the discussions with the peers coming from different backgrounds (in terms of age, nationality and industry).

Why did you choose for MaastrichtMBA?

I researched many of the most known universities in Europe, when it was time to choose where to enroll for the MBA. The Online MBA track by MaastrichtMBA | Maastricht University struck me for various aspects of its offer: the flexibility was for me a major point, travelling often for work and planning to move to another country. I was confident the diversity, not only in terms of age and industry, but also of nationality would have greatly enriched the experience.

Moreover, a great focus was dedicated to the leadership track and I was looking forward to starting the Leadership Development Programme. Last but not least, the blended educational format is a winning approach in my opinion: it gives the flexibility and the freedom of the online course, but it still gives the possibility to enjoy and strengthen the connection with the peers during the educational weeks.

What made you choose your specific MaastrichtMBA track?

As I mentioned, this online setup is one of the reasons why I chose this programme. It was important for me to be flexible and be able to follow the classes from anywhere in the world, on the other hand personal connection is something I value greatly and this setup mixes both perfectly. In addition, the educational weeks cover various topics, so it is possible to choose the one you are interested in the most.

Which skills do you want to refine during the programme?

Leadership, open mindedness and in general the technical knowledge on management, topics on which I am quite inexpert.

How do you think you will benefit from doing this MBA?

I started benefiting from the Executive Online MBA from day one: I started understanding more the big picture that was leading to the made managerial choices, supporting them more, I was more self confident and able to make important contributions within my projects and the company. I approach the challenges in a more mature way and I think everyone who knows me could confirm it, even in private life. In the long term, I am sure it will give me the chance to cover important managerial positions and, hopefully one day, to open my own company.

What is the most enjoyable part of the MaastrichtMBA programme so far?

The part I enjoyed the most in each course was the group assignment: it is great to see how different people can give different and important contributions to the problems, which then lead to achieving the results. There is so much we can learn from each other.

What advice do you have for anyone considering an executive MBA at MaastrichtMBA?

When I decided to enrol, I had many doubts: I was scared my life would have been over, that it would have been extremely difficult not only to combine it with my private life, but also with my working aspirations. I didn’t know if I was ready. The tip I want to give is: just go for it! You will have to say “no” sometimes, but you can do anything, it is enough to organise yourself accordingly… and, most importantly, every sacrifice will be paid off by the skills learned, the people met and the great experience!

Lucrezia Menna
PMO / VP Technical Assistant
FPT Industrial