MBA Application

Apply for your MBA adventure here

Backed by the prestigious Triple Crown accreditation, MaastrichtMBA keeps high standards regarding its application and admission process. To safeguard the programme’s existing excellence as well as ensure a stimulating learning environment in the future, we only admit talented and motivated professionals with an entrepreneurial attitude, a creative spirit and an inquisitive mind.


When applying for an MBA programme, there is a lot to consider. We strive to make our application process as straightforward as possible for candidates interested in our Executive MBA programmes. This page contains all the essential information you need if you are thinking about applying for one of our MBA tracks.

Application | MBA | Maastricht University

Application Steps

Application | MBA | Maastricht University

Your application for both the On-Campus MBA as well as the Online MBA track starts by filling out our digital application form and uploading a bundle of required documents. Based on your input, the MBA Admission Office creates a personal application dossier that allows the MBA Admission Committee to perform a detailed assessment on your eligibility for the programme. Below you can find an overview of all required document to complete your application. On the admission guideline page below, you can find more information on each document.

*These elements are not required for all applicants. Please make sure to ask the MaastrichtMBA Office before taking any tests.

Application | MBA | Maastricht University

Admission Guidelines

Application | MBA | Maastricht University

Admission Requirements

Application | MBA | Maastricht University

Admission Test

Application | MBA | Maastricht University
