Event structure

The MaastrichtMBA WBN aims to organise events on a structural basis to provide a solide organisation structure of this network. Therefore, the network shapes their event calendar by offering these, depending on the event content, on an annual, quarterly and monthly basis. Below your can read more about these different types of events.

Annual basis

  • Women’s welcome event:  Designed for new female students to establish a first point of contact between the MBA programme and the community of alumni and students.
  • Educational workshops: Learning opportunities to communicate, develop and reinforce soft skills.
  • Mentoring programme: Support to female undergraduate SBE students on their personal and career development.

Quarterly basis

  • Speaker sessions: Invitation of external guest speakers to stimulate debate, discussion and dialogue and further personal and professional development.
  • Featured profiles: Interview with a member of the MaastrichtMBA WBN on a topic related to the external guest speaker’s session.

Monthly basis

  • Community meeting: Active support of the community through meetings to discuss varied topics.
  • Article collaboration: Topic to be discussed and decided based on the outcome of the meetings.

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